A Christmas Tail











Twas three days before Christmas and all through the house

The cat was not stirring, the dogs on the couch

The stockings were hung on the staircase with care

We don’t have a fireplace, or we’d hang them there

The pups settled onto the couch for a snooze

Atop of the pillows the spot they would choose

While I finished packing and cleaning the house

The garbage detail was left to my spouse

When out in the yard Wolfie spied something dark

It made the dogs jump, and they started to bark

I ran to the window to spy on the sight

I bumped into Magnus and gave him a fright

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

But a teeny red sleigh and a squirrel with a beard

He chattered away as the dogs went berserk

He unloaded his sack and he turned with a jerk

He grinned at the dogs, and as he spun around

A big pile of peanuts was left on the ground

The dogs, looking quizzical, ceased their loud noise

Watching closely the squirrel who continued with poise

He jumped in his sleigh and produced a loud whistle

And away he did go like the down of a thistle

But I heard him exclaim as he flew to the tree

Happy Christmas to Magnus, Bandit, and Wolfie


Happy Holidays to you and yours.
